How are you caring for your temple?

Your Body is a Sacred Temple; How are you caring for your temple in this time?

I treat my body like a sacred temple.
My body is sacred to me, since it is necessary for my life to continue. There are many ways in which I give it the care it deserves.
I consider my health. I know that my body needs healthy food to be at its best. I avoid unhealthy foods and beverages. If its in a box or can, I usually avoid it unless I am purchasing for my emergency kit. I consider the impact of everything I put into my body. If something is unhealthy, I stay away from it.    

My body deserves the best.

I ensure that my body receives sufficient sleep each night. I know how many hours of sleep my body needs and I make sure to get it. I have a regular bedtime and wake-up time. My body gets all the sleep and relaxation time it requires to thrive.My body loves exercise, so I exercise regularly. I enjoy exercising, and I know my body is healthier when I make exercise part of my life. 

   I treat my body like a temple, so I exercise several times each week

Today, I keep my body in mind when I make decisions. I make healthy choices. I avoid activities that risk my health.  

My body is sacred to me, so I place a premium on providing it what it needs to be at its best.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are three unhealthy habits I need to remove from my life? What impact will this have on my health?

2. What are three healthy habits I should add to my life? What will the impact be of each of those habits?

3. How well do I treat my body? Why do I treat it that way?

We are in a new time regarding health Be Cautious but don’t panic. Fear and panic are low vibrations that adversely affect your health.

Stay Positive, Stay Well and let me hear how you are doing.


2 thoughts on “How are you caring for your temple?”

  1. Naamiyah Israel

    I have a vegan diet, exercise, get as much rest as I can and avoid stress. Dancing is my therapy. I enjoy being around positive, progressive people. I try to avoid negative friends and I try to assist others when possible; sometimes all people need is a listening ear.

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