Thankful Living

Are You Living Thankfully?

 Is being thankful reserved for just this holiday season? I think not, yet it seems that most of the world begins to focus on gratitude during this time of year. 

I believe that practicing gratitude daily is powerful and beneficial.  When we pay attention to the little things in life, we feel less of the impact the daily stressors bring. Gratitude does not make them go away but helps us to look at them differently and can improve our mood.  Being grateful can increase feelings of joy and love and could even help to improve your immune system.

We can be grateful for every breath, every moment, every day, and even express gratitude for the lessons learned.  It may sound strange but I often express thanks for the “lessons” which show up to teach me.  Lessons help us to grow.

Melissa Galt said “What you perceive as tests are simply milestones on this journey of your life and each one enables you to go a little further and may even give you a choice of a new direction based on an experience you have had”. Remember, we all have control over how we respond to what’s happening around us.

How can you make gratitude part of your daily routine? In this world of technology, there are many apps available to help you get started, but a simple way is with pen and paper.  I look for something to be thankful for every day and I write it down.

My new journal cover says “Begin each day with a grateful heart”,

Journaling could be a part of your daily routine to remind you to focus on gratitude.

Stay on schedule but don’t overdo it. If you miss a day or two, its ok.

                Focus on big and small things

               Focus on people instead of things.

               Focus on the positive each day.

               Be specific.

I am grateful that you are reading this message and are ready to increase your gratitude awareness.