Do you want to say Yes to you more often?
Many years ago, I realized I had challenges with my self-worth, self-care and, self-image even though I was accomplished and educated.
I read quotes and affirmations but I did not own the affirmations. After re-reading some of my writings I found that a pattern of self-doubt continued to show up.
I worked hard, created new projects and was always busy doing something outside of my regular profession, Yet I found it hard to said NO to others and YES to me. Several times, I found myself getting so sick that I could not get up. My physical health suffered although I exercised and thought I ate right.
It wasn’t until I had rectal bleeding and refused surgery that I began to connect my thinking to my health. I needed help. I was grateful that my minister guided me to resolve my physical issues and challenged my thinking that led to poor choices. Louis Hay in “Heal Thyself” talks about connections between the emotional and physical manifestations. Ben Ami states every physical problem has a spiritual connection as the source.
I could go on and on but I hope you get the point.
As accomplished women, we know what to do, yet we don’t implement what we know consistently
Are you tired of the daily roller-coaster ups and down?
Do you need help forming new habits?
Here are a few tips to get started:
- Journal about what you really want
- Write down 10 things that make you smile
- Think about people who inspire you and those you don’t
- Why you are afraid of change? Write it down
- Begin each day with 10 things you are grateful for
Need more? Let me know if you want to dig deeper into creating a healthier mindset by contacting me for a 15 min express coaching call.
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