Now is a good time to start…….
Peace to all,
Today, March 27 is the Hebraic New Year. Spring is in the air; trees are budding and flowers are blooming. It’s a perfect time to begin again.
I launched my Healthier New You program in January 2019. I was nervous and excited. Where should I begin? Should I call, or send an email? A good friend encouraged me to go ahead even though I didn’t have it all figured out.
This is not my first business venture. I began and maintained a dental practice for 37 years. But I had gone to school for 4 years learning Dentistry before beginning. I remember I had the same fears. Who would come? How would I get patients?
This really was no difference, this is just a new vehicle. I think we all get a little nervous when we start something new even when we know what we are doing. After all, I had always been coaching my patients who were nervous, or about nutritional changes to help them decrease medications and even smoking cessation.
Progress is not about knowing all the steps completely. Sometimes we have to stumble along and keep moving. I started, I stumbled, I stopped, and I started again. I am not one to give up even though computer marketing is new to me.
I tried various ways to reach women. I am still figuring out the process. In the meantime, I have learned to trust myself more, love myself more in spite of not having everything perfect or knowing every step.
I have been on a journey and I continue to learn, change and grow. I am committed to helping others see their potential and help women become healthier versions of who they are. I have an attitude of service and my intuitiveness, compassion, encouragement and, inspiration has helped others before and will again.
I realize that if I don’t procrastinate when faced with issues, I can reach my goal one step at a time.
We are a community and sometimes each of us needs some assistance., I am asking for your help
If you or someone you know wants to renew their health & vitality by eliminating toxins and excess waste create better eating habits and take control of health while consuming whole unprocessed foods and self-care, please contact me. You will look and feel better at home and work. Who doesn’t want that?
You are invited to join my Facebook pages: Healthier You (private) and Healthier New YOU to stay connected to other like-minded women and be encouraged. ( Notice I have 3 pages because I created one in error and could not delete or combine the pages.) Ugh!
And don’t forget to visit my website and check out my other resources. I look forward to hearing from you.
If you are interested in a chuckle, check my first video. It’s ok to try something new. I did and I am sure I will get better.
Live a Better Life!