Be Still and Know

Fear Not, Be still and know……………….

I take time daily to pause, breathe and meditate

So much of the world today is in a state of panic, anxiety and fear which are all low-level vibrations that causes more stress and lower our resistance to infection thus making us more susceptible to the things that we are afraid of. This “fear” causes our immune system greater stress, which is an invitation to zap our energy.

I want to encourage you to be proactive rather than reactive so that we become less vulnerable to the thing that we fear. In other words, we attract what we think about.

We have heard so much about the virus so I don’t want to repeat what we already know, but we have to get back to what happens after this has passed. Do you have a plan?

We have an ongoing problem. It is the daily threat of chronic lifestyle related diseases.  According to the CDC in 1990 20% of the deaths in the US were related to chronic disease.  Today, that number has risen to nearly 75% or 1.7 million US lives annually.  And globally, the WHO estimates that 40 million people die each year of chronic disease.  Once this coronavirus crisis has passed, and it will, we must refocus our energy and attention on the epidemic of dietary and lifestyle related diseases and with steeled determination effect change in the lives of our patients, healthcare systems, public policy, and nations around the world. In fact, we should start to reflect now on what we need to remove from our lifestyle and what we need to add.

During this season, I want to encourage you to take time to care for yourself and maintain resilience, vitality, and strength through the core principles of a healthy lifestyle.

In fact, I am challenging myself to “double down” on more nutrient rich plants, fasting, exercise, sleep and stress reduction. Yes, I must be honest in saying, I have gotten off track in some areas and this was a timely reminder for me to slow down and stay focused on what matters most, a path that I began 26 years ago.

So I encourage you to :

               Stay Positive

               Stay Calm

               Take control of your focus and attitude

               Be thoughtful and compassionate toward others

               Slow down and focus on what matters most to you

               Keep your heart free of hate and greed.

Find something to be thankful for every day

Stay strong, take care of each other, and let’s get through this together.