The world needs more love…..

Take a moment to smell the roses

This week I received some excellent instruction on combat care and extensive first aid.

As a reserve officer in the military in a medical unit, our mission is to save life and limb.

Though my area of expertise is the mouth, I had the opportunity to learn how to start and IV, and other field tasks. I feel that everyone needs some level of basic safety training particularly in the sad state of daily catastrophe’s in this world.

Maybe not to the extent of my training in learning how to start an IV, but could include learning to place a tourniquet to stop bleeding, or covering a person with your body to prevent hypothermia, or simply reassuring someone who is afraid or otherwise injured to stay calm. These are just a few simple task that might save a life until experienced help comes along.

 I feel that it is important for us to realize that we live in an environment where people are hurting, depressed, wounded, etc and though we are not all providers of medical care, we are human beings and spiritual beings so we should at least be aware of what is happening around us.

When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.

How can we be more caring and loving. Perhaps a smile, a hug, or a kind word might be enough to help someone through a rough time. I am encouraging us all to be more compassionate. Sometimes people around us are going through something so rather than judge or form opinions without facts, let us seek first to understand.

I am grateful for the EMT personnel, the firefighters, the police, the nurses, the doctors, the people willing to serve those less fortunate, and for you if you are reading this.

Sometimes we just need to stop and smell the roses.

Put more love in your heart and let it shine brightly.