Are You practicing self-care?

Fill Your cup!

Do you need and want more SELF-CARE?

I watched my mother and grandmother work for the family, the community, and the church but I rarely saw them taking time just for themselves. They went to the hair dresser and got manicures but not consistent “Me” time; the time where they were meditative, contemplative, restoring their souls with quiet reflections and gratitude.

As I came to adulthood, I practiced the same behaviors. I took pamper time for special days such as birthdays, anniversaries or special events.  I had/have an issue with saying NO.  I thought that is I said No, the world would fall apart or I would wonder what others thought of me. 

The universe provided me with many signals which I ignored until I would come literally and physically so sick that I could not get out of bed.  This was my way of saying, NO or I have had enough or I need a break. 

I thought multi-tasking was something to be proud of.  I could take phone calls & work on the computer simultaneously.  I was SO WRONG!  I overloaded my brain and my physical body to exhaustion.

Now I schedule dates with myself for whatever I want to do.  I put me on my calendar and I am excited to be with me. It might be a soaking bath, a movie, a walk, a drive, reading a book, visiting a loved one or just watching the sunrise or sunset. It’s time for me to appreciate and love me.

I look in the mirror and speak positive words to myself and smile.

I take deep breaths daily.

I look for things to be thankful for every day

I eat clean and I connect with nature or loved ones.

I schedule ME time

I decide to practice self-care

I practice self-forgiveness if I fall off track and accept myself as one who is doing my best.


S-Self Talk

E- Exhale and Inhale

L- Look for the healthiest foods you can eat and drink

F- Find joy and gratitude in everyday experiences

C- Connect with nature every day and a community of friends that support you

A-Arrange an appointment with yourself. Put it on the calendar; look forward to it

R-Relentless Rest, Restoration, Refresh

E- Every day is a new chance for a new beginning