Stop Apologizing, Start Thanking

When I first saw this photo, I thought it was profound and I wrote about Reprogramming your mind for success and writing goals but I delved more into why I was attracted to the words above and it came to me.

 When I was a child, I often found myself saying I’m Sorry. When I think about it, it was usually an area where I didn’t feel good about myself or what I was doing. It was something that I saw as a failure by me. I was never formally taught to apologize but I saw most adult females often saying “I’m Sorry” and inferring guilt especially my mother.

 I am not saying that we never need to apologize but somehow just hearing the “I’m Sorry words over and over creates a sense of unworthiness and low self-worth in our mind. I’m Sorry becomes a habitual response and could reflect how we really see and think about ourselves.

What if we could help our young daughters, sisters, and girlfriends by changing our vocabulary to something more positive and uplifting?

 When you begin to look in the mirror of your soul and be truly thankful for “Who YOU Are”, Value your worth and accept yourself just as you are in each moment,  You can turn the I’m sorry moments  to a more positive SELF Value , Self-Affirming statement which will raise your vibrations.

Let’s start now and start thanking more. Mistakes are not who we are so Move, Speak and Act like you love the woman in the mirror.  You are worth it.