Your Body is a Sacred Temple; How are you caring for your temple?

I treat my body like a sacred temple.
My body is sacred to me, since it is necessary for my life to continue. There are many ways in which I give it the care it deserves.
I consider my health. I know that my body needs healthy food to be at its best. I avoid unhealthy foods and beverages. If its in a box or can, I usually avoid it unless I am purchasing for my emergency kit. I consider the impact of everything I put into my body. If something is unhealthy, I stay away from it.    My body deserves the best.
I ensure that my body receives sufficient sleep each night. I know how many hours of sleep my body needs and I make sure to get it. I have a regular bedtime and wake-up time. My body gets all the sleep and relaxation time it requires to thrive.My body loves exercise, so I exercise regularly. I enjoy exercising, and I know my body is healthier when I make exercise part of my life.     I treat my body like a temple, so I exercise several times each week
Today, I keep my body in mind when I make decisions. I make healthy choices. I avoid activities that risk my health.  My body is sacred to me, so I place a premium on providing it what it needs to be at its best.
Self-Reflection Questions:1. What are three unhealthy habits I need to remove from my life? What impact will this have on my health?2. What are three healthy habits I should add to my life? What will the impact be of each of those habits?3. How well do I treat my body? Why do I treat it that way?
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