Tips To Reduce Toxins In Our Environment, Body, And Home

Toxins are all around us and everyone has some level of toxicity in their body.  

Did you know that 70% of our immune system is located in the gut and Candida increases in the gut first?

These are some tips to help create a less toxic environment

Drink warm lemon water and apple cider vinegar daily- 1 fresh lemon juiced and 1T ACV (may add pinch salt, & cayenne pepper and honey or maple syrup)

Increase good bacteria; Eat Fermented foods such as Kimchi, Yogurt, 

Eat real, whole. Clean, fruits and Vegetables- reduce pesticides; check the clean 15

  1. Upgrade your home
    1. Add circadian lighting
    2. Use air purifies
    3. Use nontoxic cleaning products
    4. Filter water- reverse osmosis or silica rich water
    5. Test for mold- ERMI
    6. Get rid of foam mattresses
    7. Use fragrance free dryer sheets; add your favorite essential oil on tennis ball in dryer
    8. Remove visible stressors from your bedroom.
    9. Wash sheets often- every 3 days to decrease germs on bedding.
    10. Decrease room temperature for better sleep
  2. Brain Detox
    1. Better sleep at 5-degree angle is best to help brain detox and repair body
    2. Reduce exposure to EMF (phones, pads, computers, turn off wi-fi @night
    3. Reduce blue light exposure before bed (TV, computers
    4. Improve your dental health; Avoid heavy metals and mercury fillings
    5. Eat essential fats
    6. Avoid GMO Foods; don’t consume anything using roundup. The most common GMO FOODS are Alfalfa, corn, cotton, Sorghum, soybeans, sugar beets & wheat
  3. Prepare your kitchen
    1. Remove plastics and Teflon
    2. Remove all white flours, rice, sugars
    3. Read ingredients on everything
    4. Increase fresh fruits and vegetables daily
    5. Decrease refined sugar and alcohol that deplete energy
    6. Reduce low nutrient processed foods such as instant oatmeal, grits, granola, movie popcorn
    7. Eliminate sugar and artificially sweetened drinks
    8. Reduce fast foods- they are addictive with little nutritional value
    9. Eliminate cow’s milk past weaning (cow’s milk is for baby calves)
  1. Connect with nature
    1. Meditate to quiet brain and decrease anxiety
      1. Meditation applications such as headspace, or muse headband
      2. Meditation music or guidance such as Louise Hay, Depok Chopra
    2. Learn to be Happy
      1. Give your body love- rest, massage, workout
      2. Do something nice for others
      3. Guard your time-; leave room for unscheduled hours
      4. Be Thankful- journal about gratitude 
      5. Increase positive social connections
      6. Savor the present moments
      7. Put in the effort; love who you are

Food Supplements that aid in Elimination & Detox:

Cholera- eliminate heavy metals; provide Carbohydrates, fats & protein

Spirulina- binds toxins and supply vitamins and minerals; neuro protective, detox pineal gland

Fulvic Acids- Detox GMO Foods

Mint- antimicrobial

Ashwagandha- decrease stress and anxiety

Turmeric- anti-inflammatory; superior to Prozac

Lemon- detox liver

Beets- boost stamina, provide nitric oxide

Monk fruit- sweeter than sugar, natural

Echinacea- boost immune system; reduce severity of upper respiratory tract infections

Flaxseed- lower cholesterol, blood pressure and reduce risk of heart attack

Ginger Root- reduces nausea, upset stomach and indigestion

Ginkgo Biloba- increases circulation and concentration

Ginseng- supports immune system, improves stamina and promotes overall health

Papaya- Aids digestion

Vitamin C- improves wound healing

For building muscle: Creatine, glutamine


National library of Medicine

PDR health

Thomson healthcare