My Idea Of Self-Care Growing Up

Growing up, I watched my mother and grandmother work for the family, the community, the church, but rarely saw them taking time just for them. Yes, they had appointments at the hairdresser or occasional manicures, but no consistent “Me” time for their soul and spiritual wellbeing. I don’t mean religious; I am talking about their very inner being and things that make your soul happy and that you love doing. 

So, as an adult, I modeled what I saw and did the same. I took pamper time for special days such as birthdays, anniversaries etc. 

I had an issue with saying NO. I thought that if I said No, something was not going to get done or the world would fall apart-(how naive )or I would wonder what others would think of me. The universe gave me hints when I would work myself so much that I made myself physically sick; too sick to get out of bed. That was my way of saying NO. 

I thought multi-tasking was a great accomplishment. I could take phone calls & work on the computer simultaneously. I was so wrong! I overloaded my brain and my physical body to exhaustion. Now I schedule dates with myself for whatever I want to do. I put in on my calendar and get excited to be with me, whether it’s a soaking bath, a movie, a walk, a drive, a book or whatever I want. It’s time for me to appreciate and love me. I look in the mirror and speak positive words to myself and smile, I take deep breaths daily, I eat clean, I look for things to be thankful for every day, I connect with nature or loved ones, I schedule Me time, I decide to practice self-care, and I practice self-forgiveness if I fall off track and accept myself as one who is always doing my best.

S-Self Talk

E-Exhale and Inhale

L-look for the healthiest foods you can eat and drink

F-Find joy and gratitude in everyday experiences

C-Connect with nature every day and a community of friends that support you.

A- Arrange an appointment with yourself. Put it on the calendar and look forward with your date with you

R-Relentless Self-Care

E-Every day is a new chance for a new beginning.